Thursday, June 26, 2008

Ball Python Growth Stages

Protokoll ITM Hauptversammlung 2008

ITM general meeting 7th Juni 2008 19.00 clock, 1 in Mühlehorn


Markus Hofstetter as Chairman of ITM welcomes the 9 members present, as well as a visitor at the fire place of the dry mill horn. 7 members have apologized.

Markus Hofstetter would like to thank Ueli Hanselmann, which is representative of the actuary Kurt Venhoda, the Minutes of May 2, 2007 wrote. He can vote. Result: Carried unanimously!

second Annual Report of the President

Markus Hofstetter reported on the encouraging turn stimulate activities in the drying area. This season you have different classes Training in Mühlehorn held.

The barbecues after sailing include this for granted.

Further on track is our communication with HMQ and the community Mühlehorn.

A big thanks goes to Thomas Stucki for his ever-to-date website.

third Financial statements and auditors report

Michael Bachmann explains the financial statements ITM 2007. This includes a profit of CHF 390.10. The net assets amount to CHF 2'590 .20 per 31.12.2007.

Michael mentioned the good payment habits of our members.

The financial statements are (excuse Ruedi Moser) by Andrea Star Kermann auditor and deputy auditor Ueli Hanselmann as found in order and approved by those present.

The President owes the treasurer to clean out financial statements.

4th Annual dues and green fees

Michael Bachman presented the 2008 budget which, with a loss of CHF 307th - closes. This is also approved unanimously.

The course fees are kept at the present level.

5th Elections

Since no elections pending, and all board members make their offices for another year, there is this agenda item.

6th Mutations

- 1.1.2007 42 members

- 1.1.2008 46 members

- new members: Giulia Baggio, Yannick Brauchli, Sven Brunhart, Menno De

Wolf, Carmen Kindle, Stefan Rueger, Uwe Schmelzer, Hans Peter Weber,

- departures: Heinz Frauenfelder, Reto Kaufmann Philipp, From Home Dahl,

Rudolf Walli,

- Currently 45 members

7th statutes revision

No changes to the statutes.

8th applications from members

No Applications received.

9th Varia

According to Markus Hofstetter is the use of the pump house as a material storage is not possible since this is still in the water circuit of the town mill horn is integrated.

Venhoda Kurt will work with the Federal Railroad St. Gallen again to the shared use of the SBB cottage.

Mühlehorn The community invites all to remove the crane in place deposited trailers and to report to the council offices. The fees amount to CHF 100 - per year.

The President thanked all those present at, and especially to thank his fellow board members.

conclusion of the meeting: 19.30 clock

The Secretary: Kurt Venhoda