Tuesday, August 4, 2009


"wage usury" in the unemployment office

updated = updated externer Link = external link = pdf-Datei pdf file

wage dumping through temporary work. Serfs of the employment agency new

" offers the headquarters of the Hamburg Employment Agency for several weeks an unusual image: the middle of the Authority's offices private temping companies were opened. Quite frankly we can examine how close is the cooperation of the Authority to that industry, which profits from the rental of cheap labor makes ... " leaflet of the Social Forum Eimsbüttel externer Link pdf-Datei

business with starvation wages - on cost of the taxpayer

manuscript of the ZDF Frontal 21 broadcast externer Link pdf-Datei by Wolfgang Kramer, Friedrich Kurz and Rita Stingl from 28.08.2007

zero € Jobber: How Hartz IV recipients are forced to work free

  • The report broadcast by Thomas Dauser 27.08.2007 and Beate Klein is now available online : text externer Link and video externer Link (Real Video (7:15 min))
  • scandal ALG-II-placement: Bsirske Federal Government and BA calls to action on
    " the scandal about the use of unpaid unemployment benefit II recipients as interns Calls for the president of the United Services Union (Verdi), to Frank Bsirske, the federal government to immediately tackle the illicit practices ... " ver.di Press release from 28.08.2007 externer Link
  • on in the Buy Action!
    " FREE business internships in principle to the facts meet the pay extortion under § 138 BGB and § 291 of the Penal Code and are generally prohibit and prosecute. A fortiori, one should take the employment agencies and consortiums and to the legal crampons, when they need free business internships in the final application of integration agreements and want to whip the threat of closing times ... " comment by Joachim Kühn in Chefduzen.de externer Link
  • Hartz IV recipients are forced by employment services to free labor. ver.di chief Bsirske "absolute scandal"
    " receipt of unemployment benefit II are forced according to research by Report Mainz during internships to free labor. Recipients of ALG II would have on pain of a cut in their salaries often even months to work regular jobs without having to be additional compensation. The magazine reports the ARD policy his broadcast on Monday, 08/27/2007 ... " press release of 27 of the SWR August 2007 externer Link .

authority provides moonlighting at

" Marburg. A Hartz IV recipients complains that the district Job Center to have him made an illegal job. The group denies (...) "I would have been to the offer may not apply." It was illegal, because such work would be done by guild farms, said the 53-year-old surgery. Additionally, according to Karl. T. was, this is not a full-time job, but at best a work order. You can see that in the Kreishandwerkerschaft Sun Karl T. should buy the material, plan the installation and run. "That is an unauthorized exercise of craft, I will not say illegal work," said Lothar Kaiser, CEO of Guild of Craftsmen. "This can not and should not be, particularly as it also is a so-called danger inclined craft." " article by Uwe Badouin in the press of Oberhessischen 08/21/2007 externer Link

work for nothing. How does the employment agency fraud

" The mere promise of future create jobs in the field of advertising design to do, drew a Troisdorfer merchant permits the employment agency for so-called "training sessions". For the entrepreneur a good thing: His new workers cost him a cent ... " article by Helmut Lorscheid in telepolis from 30/09/2004 externer Link

livelihoods by helping AlgII cases?

submitted According to information from a reader the AA Berlin currently a vacancy for the firm BEQUIT GmbH, employment and qualification company is in Tempelhof mbH, supported by the employment offices South Berlin and Berlin West, the Berlin Senate for Economics, Labour and Women etc. seeking an office worker in full-time, a foreign language is fluent, to assist in the completion of the Hartz IV applications. Salary: 1100 € gross! The company works in Berlin BEQUIT closely with the AA and states in its website externer Link as follows: "Our mission statement is based on the concept of work in our society. Work serves the material existence, the individual development of personality, social participation and social status of the individual to secure in the community. "

BA can work on dumping salary.

brush cleaners working in agencies under the tariff. "The Federal Employment Agency (BA) commissioned its agencies in cleaning companies, undermine the generally applicable collective labor force in the building trades. The business magazine reported Monday WISO. This followed a tender for the cleaning work in the employment agencies. The bid received the company Kattenbeck GmbH, Nuremberg, and Clean up GmbH, Merseburg. These are preferably adjusted unemployed people to earn a loud Social Code 165 euros a month, with no reduction in unemployment benefits have to accept. A credit of 165 euro is at a generally binding collective wage of 6.18 € per hour in eastern Germany a monthly working time of about 27 hours. In West Germany are likely to work for a minimum wage of 7.68 € about 21.5 hours. These hours are exceeded by the cleaners on a regular basis. The present evidence affidavits, the WISO ... " message for sending the magazine WISO externer Link from 28/06/2004 at ZDF

" professional community building. Arbeitsamt give a minimum wage "

" employment offices in Berlin, according to information the University Community Bau Berlin Brandenburg and provide construction workers below the prescribed minimum wage. At its annual press conference completed the professional community on Tuesday before documents, after which the employment office in Berlin-Mitte beginning of March, a carpenter for the job had requested a total of three companies. The information shown on the documents and offered by the firms hourly wages were 10.00 to 11.25 Euro.Der prescribed minimum 2 for Berlin is € 12.47 .... " ddp-bln-report of 16 March 2004 . externer Link However, these technical community calls in the same breath the " significant reduction in wage costs " ...

appeal against a penalty time successful - not reasonable job offer

The BAG-SHI is a successful opposition of a Brunswick unemployment assistance for a lock time of alleged improper denial of a supposedly reasonable job offer before. According to the switched-on lawyer the Employment Service office has recognized the contradiction in its entirety. The appeal site is therefore also the finding followed that overtime pay in the amount of 6.50 € (gross) without supplements for Sunday work, standby, night work conflicts, etc. for an activity at the street-cleaning / winter of § 36 I of Book III, as a conspicuous Mismatch between performance and reward exists. In the present case, the employment offer by Adecco to morality has failed, the blocking time imposed by the Labour Department was not justified. The said appeal is before the BAG-SHI (unfortunately only in paper form) to download now pdf-Datei in LabourNet and can be ordered as a practical aid in the office by fax or e-mail. Please specify if possible, a fax number in order to keep the processing time low. BAG-SHI, Mosel Strasse 25, 60329 Frankfurt / Main. Fax: 069-27 22 08 97, Email: bagshi-frankfurt@web.de

wage dumping this time without penalty

prosecutor presents an investigation against temporary employment agencies. "The attempt of the Trade Union unemployment initiative Darmstadt (GALIDA) to stop using the public prosecutor in Darmstadt wage dumping in temporary employment agencies, is initially failed the GALIDA had against two Darmstadt temporary employment agencies because of extremely low wages -. Refunded at 15:07:02 complaint - so-called wage usury. In a letter to inform the public prosecutor now that the investigation would not will continue. This is due to the fact that from the perspective of the prosecution case, no concrete, an active working relationship in one of the defendant company, but a proposal by the Labour Office, Darmstadt points of the display was based. ... " GALIDA announcement from 21:10:02 externer Link

" Your complaint supervision of 15.07.2002 "

the response of the Federal Employment Agency, Employment Agency Darmstadt, Angel Helmut Beck, GALIDA Darmstadt . The display, on Here the reference is made below essential at this writing is the following reasoning.
" To determine the local standard of pay for professional workers in distribution companies, the collective agreement between the union and the company Randstad be used Thereafter, a base wage conventional per hour from 01.10.2001 for commercial helpers in the amount paid of 6.20 €. This wage may under no. 4.3.2 are provided for general information previously unemployed applicants with a wage deduction. (...) Even if the underlying rate Randstad unabridged height of 6,20 EUR set will be the limit of immorality only an hourly wage of 4.13 € achieved. If the specified minimum wage rate after the Randstad account of 5.11 EUR, would be immoral before only at a wage of 3.41 EUR. On-site hourly wages of 5.37 € and 5.50 € were much higher. Not at all, it was an immoral wage offer .. .. "
In the current case law on indecent wages in accordance with existing collective agreements (only after a third lower than a comparable agreement! Runs in the aforementioned letter) - And in view of the initiated "exploratory discussions" between ver.di, IG Metall and the interests of German temporary employment agency (according to Ver.di News 12, 26/08/2002) - we will contact you with a special plea to our readers, we ask to all known collective agreements with hourly wages below 9.00 €, special prices with temporary employment agencies in employment companies and special rates are to be related to the unemployed "integrated" companies with actually paid wages that are 30% lower tariff or under 7 € / hour lie. We are grateful for all the info in advance! The addresses of the editors (including fax and post)

employment office provides wage dumping Jobs - GALIDA turns prosecutor.

" According to a July 12 in the Job Information Service (SIS) of the Employment Office Darmstadt conducted research of the Trade Union unemployment initiative Darmstadt (GALIDA) and the city council faction OS / 3, gives the Office unemployed in non-living wage, in legal terms" immoral "employment relationships.'s wages offered by the employment office jobs, particularly in temporary employment, less in many cases the threshold for immorality. Immoral and therefore inadmissible, under the jurisdiction of the Labour Courts and the Federal Supreme Court (Judgement of 27 April 1997, Az 1StR701-96) is an employment relationship if the wages one-third below the comparable rate is .. reported .. " GALIDA report and display, background and press externer Link

short research for the practical work of the Frankfurt office work

" On 15 July 2002, the trade union unemployment initiative Darmstadt (GALIDA) charges against two temporary employment firms on suspicion of wage usury. At the same time they raised a Disciplinary Complaint against the Director of Labour Office in Darmstadt because of the unchecked transmission of these jobs the unemployed. These activities led us to the beginning of August 2002 in Frankfurt / M. also a small research on the location information system (SIS) to carry out ...." report by Harald Rein (FOLD) in BAG-Info 9 / 02 externer Link

of wage usury, employment services and temporary employment

Why the compulsion in the low wage is only the courts Way is no cure. article by Frank Hunter in BAG-E INFO 5.2 externer Link and links to the appendices to the article (rtf files):


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