Sunday, January 23, 2011

Mammals Versus Reptiles

Today is our big day! Today was our staircase and all interior doors. You would not believe how fast will the installation, IF you brought all the parts needed. So the doors were finished at noon, the stairs just needed more time!

And the railing on the first floor is already cultivated. Well, that we in the end still could bring themselves to invest in this. Otherwise it probably would not have been so nice.
And suddenly it looks like a house and not like a construction site!

Now we could sleep tonight even the first time in our house. The father had promised the mice namely, that we sleep here, if the stairs are installed! And tomorrow is the official house delivery. Little things have since repaired yet, as our piece must be the foundation or poured out, which was at the core drilling of new leads slightly affected. And the small differences in the exhaust roof tiles must be matched. According to our construction manager that everything happens tomorrow.
And again one last time one must be curious!


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