You never know ... They strike? (No) The train arrives on time? (Yes) Is he on time? (No) Does it transfer? (Yes) BUT: The most bizarre train travel but are still the people between sänkju for träveling and the platform edge. today in an IC from Bremen: Two families. The one with three small children from a few months to 5 years and the other with two children aged about 7 and 9 including lethargic father. The former was not heard first, except now and then pleasant laughter of children. The second family was so pushy (Keep the fun game because of alleged cheating by the younger child terminated immediately, then "please take your Nintendo!") That even peace-loving people rose up and asked for some rest. Not wg. Cries. No, the lethargic father heard loud music via iPod and the children plingten by Super Mario worlds. The now seemingly jaded mother tried to read and rejected all the "evil" people who wanted to explain her friendly, Game Boys are out to decrease it. I said nothing because I was a coward or not one wanted to dieMütze or can always switch off well. But also because I could be about to witness a beautiful exiting encounter: A skateboarder was on the train. The three-year-old child of the happy family spoke to him: "Why is it so long?" He had noticed that there was indeed different dimensions than a normal skateboard and said the young man he is absolutely fantastic that a longboard should be quick means of transportation in the city and a skateboard tricks to make more there. Have joined the mother explained then the child would have had for some time a skateboarder, but that by 5 Birthday wait. The sister and the baby were allowed to use the Skaters in the lobby of the sample area car rolls. Herrlich. This bright eyes in the small faces completely compensated for the Nintendo noise of the other family. And it shows again the children have to move completely, not just the fingers on the Game Boy buttons!
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